Reasons to Work with a Builder’s Lender

HomeBlogReasons to Work with a Builder’s Lender

Developing real estate is expensive, even for relatively small-scale projects. In order to build a single new home or business, much less a suite of them, you will need to secure financing for the project. In theory, you could find a loan from just about any lender, but there are serious advantages to working with a proven builder’s lender like those on our team at Investor Loans Express.

Reasons to Work with a Builder’s Lender

We encourage you to keep reading to learn a few reasons why we encourage you to work with an experienced builder’s lender.

  • More Favorable Terms – One advantage of working with a builder’s lender on real estate projects is that doing so can get you more favorable terms. Most builders already have working relationships with their preferred lenders, and those lenders will reward that collaboration with better terms on the loans. After all, the builder will have proven by then they are trustworthy and don’t present a risk to the lender, so the lenders can afford to be more generous in their loan agreement terms.
  • Faster Service – Another reason to work with an experienced builder’s lender is because doing so allows you to get faster service. Lenders used to working with builders will know how to streamline the application and approval process as much as possible, so you can get the funding you need right away. If you want to be able to start your project with a minimum of delays, we encourage you to give us a call to speak to a builder’s lender.